
Breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, aperitif ... and always good coffee.

Exterior of Ca’puccino, a cafe offering locally sourced Italian food & beverages.

Italian luxury and a cup of coffee.

Ca’puccino offers authentic, locally sourced Italian food & beverages in a dynamic & premium environment. Ca’puccino is a synthesis of “ made in Italy ” excellence: good taste, authenticity, and elegance. Set in prestigious locations, it has achieved the same recognition as designer fashion labels.


Milan, Italy / London, England

Vision Development
Market Research
Site Selection
Concept Development
Operations Development
Marketing Plan Development
Brand Development Guidance
Operations & Management
Interior of Ca’puccino, a cafe offering locally sourced Italian food & beverages.
Interior of Ca’puccino, a cafe offering locally sourced Italian food & beverages.
Working with Matthias now for the past 14 years has been and incredible journey. Matthias puts his clients first, and fully committed to improving our business across various disciplines. Matthias shaped our structure, refined our business and developed a strategy for continued growth.
Giacomo Moncalvo
President of Migeca SpA that owns Ca’puccino
Pastry and coffee on a table in Ca’puccino, a cafe offering locally sourced Italian food & beverages.